My First “Thought Of The Day”

I might be cleaning, walking the dogs, driving or teaching and have a random thought.  Sometimes it is worth sharing.  By no means do I claim absolute ownership over all thoughts though.

Yes, they are my thoughts, but…Do you ever have a lightbulb go off, a revelation of sorts, and you think it was your own?  Come to find out it has already been uttered by someone else.  So I am willing to predict that some of my thoughts of the day will turn out to be something I read somewhere else or heard about.

If it randomly pops in my head, then it must have been good.  And if you recognize something, and know it was someone else’s thought, I hope you will tell me so I can give them credit and thank them for their inspiration!

My Thought Of The Day:

“If all my dreams had come true, I wouldn’t have the life I live today, and I love my life!”

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